Wednesday, September 23, 2009

“Flossing with Braces”

Flossing with braces is very important during your treatment. The space between the teeth is nearly impossible to reach with your tooth brush. Therefore, regular flossing routines are necessary to prevent plaque buildup . You are probably thinking how am I going to floss when the wire is in the way? Well, you can thread the floss underneath the wire by hand or use a floss threader. That way you can floss just like you normally would. Flossing is important for the health of your gums, and in preventing gingivitis. Try to floss twice a day, if it is difficult for you, try to floss your upper teeth in the morning and your lower at night until you are comfortable with it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to the Straffon Orthodontics page! We've recently installed new ways to stay connected to our office- Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and our very own blog! Visit us by clicking the icons at the top right of our page.

Look forward to seeing you soon,
Dr. Straffon